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Queen Victoria. She carried the gene for the disease but always thought it came from her husband's family.

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Q: What Queen of England affected her children with hemophilia?
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Which of Queen Victoria of England children became hemofiliac carrier?

Queen Victoria had nine children. Two of her daughter's Alice and Beatrice were carriers who gave the gene of hemophilia to their children and grandchildren. Queen Victoria also had a son Leopold who had hemophilia and gave the gene to his daughter and grandson.

How did England's royal families help in the genetics of hemophilia?

Queen Victoria was known as the "Godmother of Europe" because every monarch in Europe was related to her through her children. Her children were carries of the disease hemophilia and as a result the heirs to the Russian and Spanish Royal Families contracted the disease severely hurting the two monarchies.

Which queen of England has had most children?

Queen Charlotte, wife of George III, had 15 children.

What are two royal families with hemophilia?

Queen Victoria and the English family, and the Romanovs (actually, just one of their children, Alexei).

Who was virgin queen of England?

Queen Elizabeth 1 was known as the virgin queen because she never married and had no children. She claimed that she was married to England.

Who was Queen Elizabeth 1 of England last husband?

Queen Elizabeth the first of England was never married and never had children.

What person is credited with introducing the gene for hemophilia into the royal families of Europe?

Queen Victoria of England who reigned from 1837 - 1901 was the first of the royals to carry the gene.

How many chilldren does the queen have?

Queen Elizabeth II of England had two children - Charles and Anne

What was Queen Elizabeth's main goal?

Queen Elizabeth's man goal was to bring order and peace to England, to protect the people as if they were her children.

Why is hemophilia famous?

Hemophilia is considered a Royal Disease because..... Queen Victoria of England passed the mutation to her son Leopold and, through several of her daughters, who were married to other royal Families in Europe, including the royal families of Spain, Germany, and Russia.

How many children did the queen mother have?

The Queen Mother (if you mean the present Queen Elizabeth of England's mother) had two children - the present Queen Elizabeth II and her late sister Princess Margaret.

How did Elizabeth the 1 affect history?

She affected history because she was the queen of England and she will never be forgotten.