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not in control of pak government and supporting al-qaeda and le-t secretly.

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Q: What India thinks of the Pakistani army?
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Pakistani has be accused of lieing on number of ocasions 1) kargil war- Pak Gov said it were the mujahideens fighting in kargil and there are videos of Pakistani army acepting deat bodies of army souldier 2)9/11- Musharraf saying that India has osama bin ladeen 3) Mumbai probe:- The alone captured terrorist Ajmal kassab the declined that he was Pakistani, Later Pakistani meida only did a sting operation and proved that he is indeed a Pakistani antional The list can continue....

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From what I've seen of the Pakistani army, yes. It's not that Pakistani soldiers are bad, but their military has a lot of factionalism and divided loyalties, which only weakens it.

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The first group to arrive to Bahrain were the people who came with the army of A Pakistani can be granted citizenship after working for the Government for 25.

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Where to buy Pakistani suits in India?

There are less places but one source is La-MKB Fashions ,Samrat Sood , +91.9958723546 . They are the most trusted and have the largest source of pakistani suits collections in India. Pakistani suits are greatly admired in India , because they have great texture and designs , which is why they are being greatly loved in India.

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He has never opened publicly about what he thinks about Pakistan even though his father is a pakistani meaning he has some pakistani blood.

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Yes but you must first get Saudi citizenship or a special decree from the Saudi Ministry of Defense. There are a lot of Pakistani nationals in the KSA army.