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You may be thinking of Gray Davis, who was recalled from office by popular vote about a decade ago.

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Q: What California governor was removed from office?
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Why was California Governor Gray Davis removed from office?

Because of a budget deficit caused by a massive black out and the de-regulation of the electric companies.

What is the highest elected office of the executive branch of California?

The highest elective office in California is Governor.

Who assumes the position of governor if the governor is removed from office?

That depends on the State Constitution.

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If the governor of Texas dies, resigns, or is removed, the lieutenant governor will take his place until reelection.

If a California governor leaves or resigns from office who serves the remainder of his term?

The Leiutenant Governor

Who was the Texas governor constitionally removed from office?

James Webb Throtmorten

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Rod Blagojevich

What is the governor in California?

As of July 2014, the governor of California is currently Jerry Brown. He is a democrat. He was sworn into office on January 3, 2011.

What office does Arnold Schwarzenegger hold?

He is the current Governor of California.

Who is the head of California's government?

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger The current Governor of California is Jerry Brown. He was the 34th and is now the 39th governor of California. He is the only governor to serve twice as a California Governor. He was first elected in 1975 and he served until 1983. He was recently elected Governor of California again in 2011.

How did Arnold Schwarzenegger become the governor of California?

He ran for the office and was elected.

What government office was Ronald Reagan in?

California Governor and US President