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While communists and members of the I.W.W. share a common interest; that interest being to overthrow capitalism and forming an international commonwealth, they differ in one distinct area. Communists believe in the temporary Dictatorship of the proletariat (workers), however the I.W.W. believes that the commonwealth should be formed immediately after a global social revolution. The I.W.W. is NOT a communist organization.


The I.W.W. website

I'm an I.W.W. member and a Communist

Solidarity Comrade! :)

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Q: Was iww communists
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Who led the IWW?

The iww was led by William haywood!

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Can you be in unison and iww?

Yes you can. Most IWW members are 'dual carders', being both members of the IWW and their industry specific trade union. While the IWW are cool with this, Unison bosses (and many of the mainstream union bosses) are certainly not, and there have been witch hunts in the past to expell know radicald from Unison. Don't let that deter you though, just don't go round shouting about your IWW membership to the Unison leadership! With membership on the rapid rise, and groups of IWW workers winning some decent vocitories, there's never been a better time to join the One Big Union!

What is the nickname of the IWW union members?

The "Wobblies" (; Your welcome!

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Union that was persecuted under the sedition act?


What does the acronym IWW stand for?

International Workers of the World.

Which groups participated in the everett massacre?

The (IWW) Wobblies

How does iww compare to afl and cio?

The IWW is a much smaller labor union than the AFL-CIO, but is often more principled from a class-consciousness standpoint. While the AFL-CIO is often willing to compromise and collaborate with the capitalist system, the IWW is a regular critic of capitalism and (though not explicitly political) has leanings toward anarcho-syndicalism and socialism, along with their philosophy of "One Big Union". Historically, the AFL excluded non-whites and women from their union in the early 20th century, while the IWW welcomed people of color and women.

Which union was well known for its socialist and communist ideas during the bisbee deportation?


Why did the Industrial Workers of the World frighten some people?

the IWW frightened some people because the wanted t unite women, immigrants, and African Americans to over throw capitalism. (IWW was socialist.)