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Ancient Israel was a number of different absolute monarchies.

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Q: Was ancient israel a monarchy oligarchy or direct democracy?
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How can the ancient Athens government be classified?

Over a period of a thousand years it went from Monarchy to Oligarchy to Tyranny to Oligarchy to Limited Democracy to Direct Democracy to broad-based Oligarchy to Direct Democracy to Oligarchy to Direct Democracy etc etc.

What were Ancient Greece government?

The types of governments were... -MONARCHY -ARISTOCRATS -OLIGARCHY -and DIRECT DEMOCRACY

What are the main types of government?

Direct Democracy, Tribal Rule, Absolute Monarchy, Dictatorship, Oligarchy, Constitutional Monarchy and Representative Democracy.

What are the major types of government?

The major types of a government is a direct democracy, representative democracy, constitutional monarchy, absolute monarchy, and a dictatorship.

The government in ancient Athens was an example of this form of government?

The government in ancient Athens was an example of democracy. The Athenian government was the first democratic form of government recorded.

What kinds of government did the greek city states have?

Direct Democracy, Representative Democracy, Monarchy, Dictatorship, Theocracy, Oligarchy, Anarchy and Tyranny. These are the forms of government that all Greek city-states had.

What are the politics and government of Greece?

Well, There were many different governments in greece for example sparta was a oligarchy. In athens it was a direct democracy. The minoans and micinians were both a monarchy. monarchy: One ruler oligarchy: a couple of people with military or government influence ruled direct democracy: a group ruled but the people had a say

Why did the ancient Greek city-state Athens have a direct democracy while the Romans had a republic?

Republic and democracy are two different things. A Republic can be a democracy, just as a constitutional monarchy today can be a democracy. Democracy existed in the Roman Republic, as it had three different assemblies of the citizens (Centuriate, Tribal, Plebeian). Athens went through phases - monarchy, oligarchy, limited democracy, radical democracy.

Did Sparta have a direct or represenitive democracy?

No, it was an oligarchy.

What kind of government did Athens have?

Ancient Athens type of government was democracy. They had a democratic rule.

What kind of government was established in ancient Greece?

Athens' government changed over time. Up until 508/7, Athens was a tyranny. Cleisthenes introduced democracy but Athens then became an Oligarchy under the aristocrats who led the city to ward off the Persian invasion. 460 CE Ephialtes reintroduced democracy, was assassinated for this, and his deputy Pericles took over to complete Athenian democracy. It was a direct democracy by the people, unlike the representative democracy of today. Then it was conquered by Alexander and etcetera etcetera.

What are the types of government?

Direct Democracy, Tribal Rule, Absolute Monarchy, Dictatorship, Oligarchy, Constitutional Monarchy and Representative Democracy.