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We had bad times at 85-98, but no, Russia wasn't.

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Q: Was Russia a semi-presidential republic
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Is it the Soviet Union or Russia?

It's: "Russia" or "Russian Federation"If you are referring to the sovjet republic then it is the sovjet republic and not russia.

When did Russia become a republic?

on the 14th of september of 1917, duma declared russia a republic

When did Russia stop being a monarchy and become a republic?

When did Russia stop being a monarchy and become a republic?

Is Czech Republic apart of Russia?

Both Russia and the Czech republic used to be parts of the soviets union. After the dis-solvent of the Soviet union 15 new countries were formed, one of which was Russia and another Czech republic. Therefore Russia and the Czech republic are not the same country.

Does Russia and America have the same government?

No. America has a federal presidentialconstitutional republic and Russia has a federal semi-presidential republic.

What is largest republic of USSR?

The USSR no longer exist; however when it did, the largest republic was Russia. At the time of the formation of of the USSR in 1923-1924, Russia was known as the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic.

What country borders Mongolia?

It borders Russia and People's Republic of China.

What was the largest republic of USSR?


What does Russia have that America doesn't?

up to what i think russia has republic and america doesn't

What was the name of the ethnic group seeking indepence from russia?

The ethnic group Chechens are trying to get their republic called the Chechen Republic to be independent from Russia. Periodically, conditions become unstable and fighting breaks out between Russia and the Chechens. Despite several attempts, and these unstable conditions, the Chechen Republic remains a part of Russia to this day.

What is the largest republic country in Europe?

Russia. France is the largest republic country wholly in Europe.

Is the Mari republic a country?

No it's a state in Russia