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At the bottom line, the answer was no. McCarthy was paranoid about Communists, and thought they were coming out of the woodwork everywhere you turned. If you are familiar with mining for gold, where several tons (six to eight thousand pounds) of rock are mined to produce one ounce of gold, that was about McCarthy's batting average at outing Communists. The number of lives and careers he destroyed before he was stopped runs into the hundreds, if not more.

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11mo ago

McCarthyism, characterized by the anti-communist activities led by Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s, had a significant impact on society, but it is debatable whether it was effective in fighting communism. While it heightened fear and paranoia about communism in the United States, it often relied on unsubstantiated accusations and ruined the lives of innocent people. McCarthyism ultimately damaged civil liberties and freedom of expression, rather than effectively addressing the spread of communism.

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