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Q: Was Catherine the Great a absolute monarch or not?
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Why was Catherine the Great an Absolute Monarch?

Peter the great and Catherine the Great were considered great absolute monarchs. The reason for this is that they were interested in making Russia better and stronger.

How were Hobbes and Catherine the Great similar?

both believed that a monarch should have absolute athority

How were Thomas Hobbs and Catherine the Great similar?

both believed that a monarch should have absolute athority

What type of monarch was federick the great?

He was an enlightened, absolute monarch.

What kind of monarch is the king of Saudi Arabia who has great power in the exercise of government?

The king of Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarch who has great power in the exercise of government.

How enlightened was Frederick the Great?

Frederick the Great was an absolute monarch in europe.

Was Ivan the terrible or peter the great more of an absolute monarch?

peter the great

Why is Alexander the Great allowed to officiate a wedding?

He was an absolute monarch

Did Augustus Caesar rule as an absolute monarch?

yes he did and he was a great one

Was Leopold the first an absolute monarch?

your mom was an absolute monarch

What kind of monarch is the king of Saudi Arabia who has great powers in the exercise of government?

The king of Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarch who has great power in the exercise of government.

Which type of government did Russia have according to Catherine the Great's constitution?

Catherine the Great referred to Russian government as Enlightened in the Nakaz. What she really had was an absolute monarchy.