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The Conservatives, under Edward Heath. Value Added Tax was introduced in 1973. It is the third biggest source of income for the government.

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The Value Added Tax (VAT) was introduced by the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom in 1973.

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Which pm introduced vat?

VAT was introduced in 1973 the P.M. was Edward Heath

Who introduced VAT?

The government, it is a tax

What would be the effect if any on the calculation of VAT if cash discount was introduced?

There will be less vat.

What political party introduced vat in UK?

The original form of VAT, known as the Purchase Tax, was introduced by the grand coalition government between the Conservative Party, the Labour Party, the Liberal Party and the Liberal National Party in 1940. All major reforms to the sales tax since then have been Conservative programmes.Modern-day VAT was introduced by the Conservative Party in 1973 as a condition of the UK joining the then-European Economic Community. It was set at a rate of 10% on most goods. It became a flat tax (i.e., with only one rate) in 1979 under the Conservatives, when it was raised from 8% to 15% where it stayed until 1991, when the Conservatives increased the standard rate it to 17.5% and also introduced new lower rates for things like energy.Labour briefly returned to the 1979 - 91 rate of 15% during its last year in power as a short-term measure, but in 2011 the Conservative Party introduced the modern 20% rate.

Date when vat was introduced in Tamil nadu?

From 1St Jan 2007

When was VAT introduced in UK?

1972. April 1st 1973 to be precise.

Why was vat introduced?

to prevent the large amount of vehicles thefts that were occurring at the time.

When how and why vat started in jharkhand?

The VAT stands for value-added taxation. It was introduced on April 1, 2005 as an indirect tax into the Indian taxation system. Jharkland was one state that chose to stay out of it until a later date, but has now adopted it. VAT replaced the general tax laws.

How many types of vat?

The types of VAT........ 1 ) INPUT VAT @ 4 % 2 ) INPUT VAT @ 1 % 3 ) INPUT VAT @ 12.5 % 4 ) OUTPUT VAT @ 1 % 5 ) OUTPUT VAT @ 4 % 6 ) OUTPUT VAT @ 12.5 %

Gross of vat and net of vat?

There is no such term as gross of VAT. The amount with VAT is called the gross amount while the net of VAT is the amount after the VAT has been deducted.

Is VAT really working for the government?

yes considering it was only introduced to be added on top of luxury goods which in this day and age everything is classes as a luxury.

What was v a t rate in 1973?

When VAT was introduced in 1973 it was at the rate of 10% shortly after its introduction some luxury items were raised to 25%. This was scrapped when a new rate of 15% was introduced by Thatcher in her first term in office.