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Q: Trumans cold war efforts at containment communism became known as?
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Was the policy of containment successful in korea?

the containment policy was issued to stop the spread of communism what happened in Korea was that we or America stopped communism from spreading all the way through Korea we controlled it and kept it half way in north Korea i believe it was succes

What did Truman hope to accomplish with the Truman doctrine?

The Truman Doctrine was based on the U.S.A's fear of communism taking over the world. The main goal of the Truman Doctrine was to stop communism from spreading further ( containment of communism) this was to be achieved by promoting ( more like fighting for) democracy in countries that were falling to communism. Truman believed his goal would have been accomplished when the whole world was rid of communism and became a democracy instead.

W.E.B. Du Bois became a supporter what as he got older?

W.E.B DuBois became a supporter of Communism as he got older.

How did President Truman approach the cold war?

He was anticommunist so he wanted to stop it from spreading. He decided that under the 'Truman Doctrine' the US would help any nation that was in danger of falling to communism. This was his policy of containment, his foreign policy.

What American politician became vise president he opposed communism?

Richard Nixon is an American politician became the vice President of the United States because he opposed communism.

What became a problem after world was 2?

The spread of Communism.

How does the event described in this headline demonstrate the American policy of containment in the early years of the Cold War?

Answer this question… By refusing to back down to Soviet aggression

Why did Truman start his policy of containment?

Truman inherited it. Communism existed well before WW2, and well before Truman became president. FDR and his vice president (Truman) knew they might have to fight the Communists sooner or later. As it turned out, Truman ended up fighting the Communists 5 years after FDR's death (President Roosevelt died in May 1945). Truman STARTED his policy of containment because George Keenan (our diplomat in Moscow) sent him a message outling the way that the U.S. would be able to contain communism in the Soviet Union. The policy of containment was based off this first outline and it was initiated because we believed that if not stopped communism would take over the world slowly but surely, look at our belief of the Domino Effect in communism.

What politician became vice president because he opposed communism?

Richard Nixon is an American politician became the vice President of the United States because he opposed communism.

How did the views of W. E. B. Du Bois change as he grew older?

He became more of a believer in the ideas of Communism

What American politician became vice president because he opposed communism?

Richard Nixon is an American politician became the vice president of the United States because he opposed communism.

How was Russia impacted more dramatically by World War 1 than Western European countries were?

Answer this question…Russia became part of an entirely new country based on communism.