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The remaining officially communist nations of the world are: North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, and China. It is possible to argue that China no longer practices communism as an economic system although they still have a dictatorial form of government.

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Q: Three nations that were still officially Communist as of 2005?
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Where is still comunist?

For starters; Red China, Vietnam and North Korea are still communist nations.

In 1989 what were aging communist leaders of eastern European nations doing?

still rejecting calls for reform

Is North Korea free?

No it is not. It is still under communist rule.No it is not. It is still under communist rule.No it is not. It is still under communist rule.No it is not. It is still under communist rule.No it is not. It is still under communist rule.No it is not. It is still under communist rule.

How many countries still use the customary unit?

Officially, three do: Myanmar, Liberia, and the USA.

Why do we still have an imbargo on Cuba?

cuba is still a communist nation, yes communism still exists. china, vietnam, and Peoples Republic of North Korea are other notable communist nations. we do still trade with china a lot. the most important reason why we don't trade with cuba is because of the role they once played. The Cuban missile crisis mostly.

How many communist nations are in the United Nations?

The answer to how many communist nations are members of the United Nations depends on how you define communist. The People's Republic of China is governed by the Chinese Communist Party, and no other political parties are allowed, but their economy is very much market based since the 1980's, so whether China counts as a communist country is debatable. North Korea is probably the firmest bet for a communist country, they certainly declare their aims as socialist, and private enterprise is very much frowned upon. Saying that, their system is officially "juche", which translates as "self-reliance", not communism. Burma, or Myanmar also once described itself as "The Socialist Republic of....", and still has a closed economy, [though that is changing], but in truth Burma is just a military dictatorship, and quite possibly a narco-state. Vietnam and Laos are both ruled by the Communist Party, but like China have capitalist economies, so depending on how you want to count it, the answer is either five, one [North Korea], or none.

What did US do to stop communism in Vietnam?

They didn't stop it. The communist regime took over if you are unaware... Vietnam is still a communist country but it is not labelled that way to prevent eruption among the nations. There is a reason why Saigon is now called Ho Chi Minh City, after the leader of the communist party in Vietnam.

Where has communism existed?

The former Soviet Union, it's Eastern Bloc satellites such as Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Poland, the former East Germany and other Eastern European nations. Also Cuba, North Korea, North Vietnam, several African nations, and then we have China. China is still officially communist, although they are currently up to their eyeballs in good ole' capitalism, being the world's largest emerging economy. The government still maintains an iron grip on China's citizens, with a bad civil rights record, and there is still widespread poverty. ..

What are the original names of the communist party?

You have to be more specific. There are lots of Communist Parties across the world- Germany still has three of them. And, despite what right-wingers on the internet would have you believe, the Nazi Party was not communist or socialist. But that is a complicated issue for another day.

Is South Korea still communist?

No, North Korea is a communist nation.

Does North Korea has a communist?

Yes it is a Communist country still today.

Who was still under communist control in 2008?

China, North Korea, and Vietnam are still under Communist control.