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Q: This action of a committee puts a bill aside for no further action?
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What happens to a bill when the committee thinks it is not worthy?

The bill is tabled, or set aside.

When a standing committee sets aside a bill and no longer considrs it the bill has been?


What is it called when you set aside a bill in the committee?


What courses of action can a committee take on a new bill?

The committee, after a vote, may: recommend that the bill be passed-or passed as amended-and send it directly to the Senate or House fl oor; recommend that the bill be passed-or passed as amended-and be placed on the Consent Calendar; approve the bill and send it on to another committee for further discussion; send the bill to the fl oor or another committee without a recommendation for passage; keep it in committee indefi nitely; or simply defeat it.

Which step in the process of the bill beacoming a law is not a floor action?

a bill is referred to Senate Committee

What is a committee action and what are the committee steps?

Once a bill has been introduced on the floor of the House or Senate, it is referred to the appropriate committee or committees for evaluation.

Tabling a bill means that it is placed on a table for discussion?

Actually, tabling a bill in the context of legislative procedure means to set it aside or postpone further consideration or action on it. The bill is effectively shelved and can be revisited at a later time for discussion or debate.

What action on bills cannot be done by a legislative committee?

it can send the bill to the governor

What are the seven steps of how a bill becomes a law?

It is very important to know the steps for a bill to become a law. These are as follows; the bill is drafted, the bill is presented to the house, sent to committee, committee action, rules committee, Floor action, introduced to the Senate, Committee action, Bill called up, Floor action, conference committee, vote on compromise, presidential action, and the vote to override.

If the Rules Committee applied the closed rule to a bill?

no further floor debate is allowed.

What means placing 'aside a bill in committee'?

pigeon hole I know its right. source :AOP switched on school house

Is a bill that has successfully made it out committee is placed on a to wait action?

No it goes to the body for a vote.