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The answer is - Ministerial Responsibility. It may also be referred to as a parliamentary system.

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Q: The principle by which a prime minister is directly answerable to a popularly elected representative body is?
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The minimum is one legislative representative per electoral district. This is called representative democracy. In parliamentary systems (UK, India), the legislative body elects the executive/cabinet, including the prime minister. In presidential systems, the chief of executive branch is also popularly elected. This president then names ministers/heads of departments. State and provincial governments usually mimic the national ones, so voters elect a representative for their district, and some also elect a governor/executive, others leave that to the legislature.

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Modern monarchs live in extreme luxury, have very in the way of duties or responsibilities and they hold their position their entire lives, whereas prime ministers must work hard for their money and have to keep up with the fickle public's opinion or be ousted. I think I'd prefer to be monarch. As long as I'm the one who gets to be king, its the perfect system.

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Check your product manual or the company's website for a customer service phone number. Each company will have a different menu setup to access a representative. Usually pressing zero or saying "operator" will connect you to an operator who can connect you directly to the representative.

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You can contact Charter Communications by either visiting their website and chatting with an online representative or by calling their 1-800 number and speaking directly with a representative over the phone.

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