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free soil party

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Republican Party.

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Q: The new political party that formed as a result of the debate over slavery was the?
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What political party formed as a result of the debate over slavery?


What was the new political party that formed as a result of the debate over slavery?

Free Soil Party

What are some possible result of growing sectional debats over slavery?

A possible result of the growing sectional debate over slavery would be states seceding.

What political party formed as a result?

The political party of gangster please who does that.

What are some possible results of the growing sectional debate over slavery?

Some possible results of the growing sectional debate over slavery include humanitarian results. For example, when people treat others fairly, all will be educated and respected and slavery will stop growing.

What major political party formed as a result of the Wilmot Proviso?

The Republican Party was formed

What major political pary was formed as a result of the Wilmot Proviso?

The Republican party.

What major political party was as a result of the wilmot proviso?

The Republican Party was formed

What debates did people have during the civil war?

Over 1500 people attended the original debate in Freeport, then a town of 5000. Freeport doctrine, which was the result of the debate, states people had the right to choose wether or not to exclude slavery from their limits. GA

How might debate over slavery lead to conflict in the future?

Debate over slavery can lead to conflict in the future by deepening divisions within society, creating tensions between different groups with conflicting beliefs and interests. Failure to address the underlying issues and reach a consensus can result in social unrest, protests, and even violence as each side tries to assert its position and challenge the opposing perspective. Additionally, unresolved debates can impact political structures and policies, leading to further friction and possible destabilization within a country or community.

What new state formed as a result of the conflict over the war?

West Virginia. Virginia was pro slavery, West Virginia was pro abolition.

What was the provision that tried to prevent slavery in the Mexican cession?

The Wilmot Proviso, proposed in 1846, aimed to prohibit slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico as a result of the Mexican-American War. Despite never becoming law, it sparked intense debate over the expansion of slavery into newly acquired territories.