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Q: The foreign-born population represents a majority of the population in?
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Most of the foreignborn population lives in which states?

A+......California, New york, and TEXAS

Is Northern Ireland mostly orange or green?

In terms of physical geography it is mostly green. In terms of politics, where green represents the nationalist and republican community and orange represents the unionist and loyalist community, orange represents the majority of the population.In terms of physical geography it is mostly green. In terms of politics, where green represents the nationalist and republican community and orange represents the unionist and loyalist community, orange represents the majority of the population.In terms of physical geography it is mostly green. In terms of politics, where green represents the nationalist and republican community and orange represents the unionist and loyalist community, orange represents the majority of the population.In terms of physical geography it is mostly green. In terms of politics, where green represents the nationalist and republican community and orange represents the unionist and loyalist community, orange represents the majority of the population.In terms of physical geography it is mostly green. In terms of politics, where green represents the nationalist and republican community and orange represents the unionist and loyalist community, orange represents the majority of the population.In terms of physical geography it is mostly green. In terms of politics, where green represents the nationalist and republican community and orange represents the unionist and loyalist community, orange represents the majority of the population.In terms of physical geography it is mostly green. In terms of politics, where green represents the nationalist and republican community and orange represents the unionist and loyalist community, orange represents the majority of the population.In terms of physical geography it is mostly green. In terms of politics, where green represents the nationalist and republican community and orange represents the unionist and loyalist community, orange represents the majority of the population.In terms of physical geography it is mostly green. In terms of politics, where green represents the nationalist and republican community and orange represents the unionist and loyalist community, orange represents the majority of the population.In terms of physical geography it is mostly green. In terms of politics, where green represents the nationalist and republican community and orange represents the unionist and loyalist community, orange represents the majority of the population.In terms of physical geography it is mostly green. In terms of politics, where green represents the nationalist and republican community and orange represents the unionist and loyalist community, orange represents the majority of the population.

Which group represents a mix of europeans and indigenous Mexican peoples resulting from spanish exploration in Mexico?

The mestizo population. In Mexico, those are a majority.

Where is the majority of Queensland's population situated?

The majority of Queensland's population is in the southeastern corner of the state.

The majority population in the north of Kazakhstan?

The majority population in the north of Kazakhstan is primarily Russian.

What is the definition of mainstream population?

The mainstream population refers to the majority or most common group of people within a society or community. It represents the typical or average demographic group in terms of social, cultural, and economic characteristics.

Is the majority of Kashmir's population is Hindu?

no, in fact majority of kashmiris are muslim.

Sunni and shia which represents the majority today?

I fink it's Sunnis.. :)

Which commomwelth nation contains majority of the commomwelth population?

India has the majority of the population of the Commonwealth Nations with a booming 1,210,193,422 people!*As of 2012

On a graph of population growth the size of the population when the growth rate decreases to zero represents an area's?

On a graph of population growth the size of the population when the growth rate decreases to zero represents an area's carrying capacity.

What is a sentence for the word represents?

Our congressman represents us in Washington. The population estimate for 2010 represents a decline from the previous year.

A senator represent the what population of that state?

A senator represents the entire population of a state