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bill of right and charter of right

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Q: TWO key documents that contains your right and freedom?
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Name two documents that contains ours rights and freedoms?

freedom of rights, and charter of rights

Inside the Jefferson memorial you will find excerpts from the two documents for which Jefferson wanted to be remembered what is the name of these two documents?

Declaration of Independence and the Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom

What are two rights only for United States citizens?

right to silence and right of freedom

What two documents did Thomas Jefferson write?

The Declaration of Independence and Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom

What are two rights everyone living in the U.S.?

Freedom of speech, the right to petition, right to vote, freedom of religion.

What are two rights of everyone living in the U.S.?

Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press!!!! 1- Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression 2 - Right to Bear Arms

What are two documents used to write the Constitution?

The Virginia Statute of religious freedom and the Virginia decleration of rights.

What are two freedoms reserved for everyone living in the US?

The right to a trial by jury and the right to bear arms.

What are two right protected by the first amendment?

Two rights that were included were the Freedom of Speech and Jury Trials.

What are two rights of everyone living in the?

Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press!!!! 1- Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression 2 - Right to Bear Arms

What are the two rights guaranteeed?

Freedom of speech and right to worship are the two rights guaranteed by the constitution.

Which two documents constructed in Philadelphia also denotated the spirit of the cite?

The two documents are the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. Both were created in Philadelphia and embody the spirit of freedom, democracy, and individual rights that were central to the founding principles of the United States.