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Henry A. Wallace

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Q: Southern segregationist who led Dixiecrat presidential campaign against Truman in 1948?
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Who was most likely to support the presidential campaign of William Jennings Bryan in 1896?

Southern farmers Populists Southern whites

When a person volunteers to help with a presidential campaign he or she is part of the what?

The presidential campaign

Who can campaign contributions to a presidential candidate?

Any American can make campaign contributions to a presidential candidate.

What is the best presidential blog?

2008 presidential campaign blog 2004 presidential campaign blog ... ARLINGTON, VA ... U.S.

Who can make campaign contributions to a presidential candidate?

Any American can make campaign contributions to a presidential candidate.

What is the vice presidential candidate called during the presidential campaign?

The vice presidential candidate is often referred to as the running mate of the presidential candidate during the campaign.

How did the presidential candidate campaign in 1800?

letter writing campaign

The presidential election campaign fund was created in 1971 to provide what?

limits on federal campaign spending

What did Lincoln's 1860 presidential campaign do for the us?

Lincoln's campaign got him elected President. It was the first presidential win for the Republicans and only their second national campaign. Although they did not campaign for abolition of slavery, they were the most strongly anti-slavery party and the Southerners saw Lincoln as a danger. In fact, his name was not even on the ballot in most Southern states . His election set their secession into motion and soon led to the Civil War.

You are interested in working on the presidential campaign if the opportunity still exists correct form of be and have?

I am interested in working on the presidential campaign if the opportunity still exists.

You are interested in working on the presidential campaign if the opportunity still exists be and have in the present tense?

I am interested in working on the presidential campaign if the opportunity still exists.

What are the most famous US presidential campaigns?

The most famous US presidential campaigns are Democratic presidential nomination of 1960. The 1789 first US presidential election of George Washington, the 1932 US presidential campaign of Roosevelt as well as the Barack Obama's presidential campaign.