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Q: Should the US government power be higher or lower?
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Should the government power be higher or lower?


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no,because generally the lower frequency side existed for lower bandwidth,and higher frequency side existed higher bandwidth,so thus we can say that lower bandwidth has generally has lower power as compared to higher bandwidth.

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who said they need more power, for the States? And they felt that they should have more Power was the government

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The higher-voltage winding has more turns (therefore its conductor will be longer) than the lower-voltage winding and, because it will carry less current, its conductors will have a lower cross-sectional area. Consequently, the higher-voltage winding will have a higher resistance than the lower-voltage winding.

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Does Hamilton believe the government's power should be strong or weak?

Alexander Hamilton believed the central government should have strong powers and the individual states should only have power over local matters.

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divided between national govt and lower levels of govt.

What is the difference between vertical and horizontal power sharing?

Horizontal Power sharing 1. Under the horizontal power sharing power is shared among different organs of government such as the legislature, executive and judiciary. 2. Under horizontal distribution of power, organs of the government are placed at the same level to exercise different powers. 3. Under horizontal each organ checks the other. Vertical Power sharing 1. Under the vertical sharing power, power is shared among the different levels of the governments. 2. The vertical division of power involves the highest and the lower levels of government. 3. Under vertical power sharing the lower organs work under the higher org.