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Q: Presidential ordinance can remain in force for how many months?
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What caused the Force Bill and the Tariff Act of 1833?

What caused this was South Carolina's Ordinance of Nullification in 1832

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It was in 1968 that the Democrats forced significant changes in the nominating process that remain intact today. This happened after the Democratic National Convention.

An object at rest will remain at rest and an object in straight-line motion will remain in straight-line motion unless acted upon by a?

A force, that may come from a collision with ... Another object.

Who thought the nullification ordinance was an act of treason and in 1833 asked congress to pass force bill?

Nat turner

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Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Task Force

Does the acceleration remain constant if the applied force was increasing?

No. Acceleration is proportional to the applied force.

South Carolina eventually repealed its Ordinance of Nullification in exchange for what?

Congress modified the tariffs in part, but they were also threatened with force.

Direction of a force?

The direction of a force depends on the directino the force is coming from, and will remain constant unless changed by some other force, etc.

An object as rest will remain at rest unless this type of force acts upon it?

An external force.

An object at rest will remain at rest and an object in straight-line motion will remain in straight-line motion unless acted upon by a n?

unbalanced force