republican I'm pretty sure. i say so because he was appointed by Governor Bob Martinez in 88. Martinez who is definitely a republican.
plus Cope looks republican! :)
BY being happy in the present an for the future. judge not lest ye be judged.
The Peoples Party
Cope (Present tense) Coped (Past tense)
Kit Cope's birth name is Kristopher Cope.
The population of The Cope is 110.
The Cope was created in 1906.
Noelle Cope's birth name is Noelle Elizabeth Cope.
The past tense of cope is coped.
The Cope twins are Cameron Thomas Cope. And Coral Cameron Cope. Their parents are Tracy and Cameron"Crash". They have 2 sisters Amber and Clhoe
Used as a VERBI will try to cope with his rudeness.After his breakdown he couldn't cope any longer.She is learning to cope with the demands of her schedule.Annie is learning to cope with her disease that prevents her from doing things she could do before she caught it.Used as a NOUNThe dark sky's starry cope.
'Cope' is a verb.