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Community development is a term describing the basis of positive development of a community. This term can be considered a verb or a noun depending on how it is used. The term is usually used to describe a form of active involvement, through persons in positions of power within the community. These people make plans and actively participate in seeing through efforts to make a positive developmental change within different areas in said community.

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Who are those marginalized people who can participate in development process in our community?

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Communism is loosely based on the ideas of Karl Marx.

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Q: On what is communism based on?
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Answer this question…Russia became part of an entirely new country based on communism.

Why was the USA worried about communism in Asia in the 1950s and 1960s?

The US was worried about other countries becoming powerful. No connection to Communism (a classless stateless society based on production for use).

Who were founders of communism?

The idea of communism was originally based on the ideas and writings of Karl Marx and Friederich Engels. Link below:

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Communism (a classless stateless society based on production for use and democratic control) has never existed in China.

What is the set up of communism?

Communism is based on the idea of "equal right to every citizen of the country"and all their needs would be looked after by the State.

In Communism does the government control everything?

No. A system based on Communism is the when everything is publicly owned. Everything is shared and distributed based on need. This destroys a class-based society and therefore equality for all. But some dictator always has to come and screw everything up.

Is socialism is the same as communism?

Yes: both words describe a moneyless classless stateless society based on production for use.

Who was the first to put communism into practice on a large scale?

Communism (a classless stateless society based on production for use) has never existed.

Use socialism and communism in a sentence?

It's quite silly to compare socialism or communism with capitalism without comparing them to each other.

What is the political economic and social system that was based on the teachings of Karl Marx?


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