Law and politics are inseparably entwined - since laws are
created by the government of a country, and each government is
composed solely of politicians.
What two variables does Charles's Law discuss in detail?
abc and 123
Can repo rep discuss with your boss about your repossesion?
Sure, there is no law against it.
What are the limits of Constitutional due process under criminal law?
Discuss the legal limits on the scope of criminal law in a constitutional democracy
Why did some women begin demanding politic and social freedom?
After WWI, they lost the rights, when they got marriage. Under the
common law doctrine of coverture husbands gained control of their
wives' real estate and wages.
Who should you contact to have a law passed by the general assembly?
Contact your local assemblyman to discuss needed
What does the phrase mean to 'handle on the law'?
There is no such term as handle on the law. However, there is a
radio station call in show called Handel on the law where people
call in for legal advice and discuss other types of laws.