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Henry VII - 1485-1509

Henry VIII - 1509-1547

Edward VI - 1547 - 1543

Jane - 1543 - 1543 Was only queen for 9 days. Became Queen when the Duke of Northumberland convinced Edward to write his sisters Mary and Elizabeth out of the succession and put in his daughter-in-law. Lady Jane Grey. His cousin.

Mary - 1553 - 1558

Elizabeth I - 1558-1603

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Henry VII (1485-1509)

James VI of Scotland (1567-1625) and I of England (1603-1625)

Henry VIII (1509-1547)

Charles I (1625-1649), executed

Edward VI(1547-1553)

Charles II (1649-1685), reigned 1660-1685

Mary I 'Bloody Mary' (1553-1558)

James II (1685-1688), deposed

Elizabeth I (1558-1603)

William III (1689-1702) and Mary II (1689-1694), Joint Sovereigns

Anne (1702-1714)

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Q: Kings and queens of England in the 1500's?
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