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Q: Keith ellison used what when sworn in?
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What senator used the Quran to be sworn into office?

Senator Keith Ellison of Minnesota was sworn into office using Thomas Jefferson's copy of the Qur'an.

Which US Congressman was sworn in using a Qur'an?

Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison is the only Muslim elected to Congress, and the only Congressman to ever swear in on the Koran.

What US Senators have been sworn in with a Qur'an instead of a Bible?

I'm not aware that any Senators have been sworn into office on a coopy of the Koran. However, Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota was sworn into office on a Koran, because he is Muslim.

When was Keith Ellison born?

Keith Ellison was born on 1963-08-04.

When was Keith P. Ellison born?

Keith P. Ellison was born in 1950.

Was Thomas Jefferson sworn into office with koroan?

No. Thomas Jefferson, like all US Presidents, was sworn in on a Bible. However, Thomas Jefferson owned a Qur'an and when Congressman Keith Ellison took his oath, he chose to use Thomas Jefferson's Qur'an as the book that he would swear in on.

Who is Muslim us congressman?

Keith Ellison

Is Keith Ellison a republican or Democrat?


Who was sworn in with the Qur'an?

No US president has been sworn in using a Qur'an, but several congressmen have been. In January 2007. Keith Ellison D- Minnesota, the first Muslim member of the House of Representatives, took a ceremonial oath with a Qur'an once owned by Thomas Jefferson. (It is worth noting that Thomas Jefferson was sworn in on a Bible; he just happened to own a Qur'an and Ellison chose to use it for the symbolic significance that the document could be traced to one of America's founders.) Another Muslim Congressman, André Carson, a Representative from Indiana, was also sworn in on the Qur'an. Barack Obama who is sometimes incorrectly called a Muslim, was NOT sworn in on the Qur'an. (This is an internet myth.) He was sworn in on the Bible used by Abraham Lincoln, and in his second term oath of office, he used one from Martin Luther King when taking the oath of office. And of course, presidents and prime ministers from Muslim countries have used the Muslim holy book when taking their ceremonial oath.

What party is Keith Ellison a member of?

Keith Ellison, born 1963, is a member of the Democratic-Farmor-Labor Party. This is the Minnesota Democratic Party affiliate. He has been serving since 2007.

Did Obama put his hand on the Bible on his inauguration?

No, this is a myth. Barack Obama is a Christian and was sworn in at the Senate with his hand on a Bible in 2004. He used a Bible that he owned, and the oath was administered by Dick Cheney. When he became president in 2008, he was sworn in by Supreme Court Justice John Roberts and used a bible once owned by Martin Luther King, and another that was used by Abraham Lincoln. But, there was a person in the House of Representatives who is Muslim (Keith Ellison of Minnesota) who was sworn-in using a Koran once owned by Thomas Jefferson.

Was Obama sworn in using a Qur'an?

In an attempt to smear Barack Obama it has been reported that he swore in on a Qur'an. This has been part of a larger attempt to demonize Obama among those who fear Muslims. The story is a complete fabrication. Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison is the congressman who swore in on the Qur'an. Barack Obama is a Christian, and he took the Oath of Office on a Bible. During his presidential inauguration, he swore in on the Bible that Abraham Lincoln used for his first inauguration in 1861.