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Q: Karl said the rich will do anything for the poor but get off their back.?
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The statement the rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs is attributed to Karl .?


Who said 'The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs'?

Karl Marx (1818-1883)

The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs is a quote by Karl .?

The quote is actually by Karl Marx and it criticizes the wealthy for claiming to help the poor while avoiding fundamental changes to the unequal power dynamic that keeps the poor oppressed. Marx believed that true social progress required structural change rather than just acts of charity.

What did rich and poor people have for desert in medieval times?

For the rich: Anything that isn't fast food now. For the poor: Anything that is.

Why do the rich can have all they want while the poor don't have anything?

You may not have a grasp on the terms rich and poor, and the difference between them.

The statement the rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs is attributed to Karl?

This statement is attributed to Karl Marx. It criticizes the wealthy for claiming to help the poor while still benefiting from their labor and exploitation. Marx believed that true social change required a more equitable redistribution of power and resources.

What did Karl Marx call people getting richer and richer?

Easy = The rich get richer and the poor get poorer

''the rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs''is a quote by Karl?

This quote is by Karl Marx. It reflects the idea that the wealthy may offer charity or assistance to the poor, but are hesitant to support systemic change that could address the root causes of poverty, such as redistributing wealth or power. Marx believed that true liberation for the poor would require a restructuring of the social and economic systems that perpetuate inequality.

Who discovered communism?

Communism was devised by Karl Marx. He believed that there was a great, unjust gap between the rich and poor. His basic philosophy was to even out the distribution of wealth.

What was the difference between the rich and the poor ancient Greek?

The differences between the poor houses and the rich houses were that the poor houses did not have fancy rooms or anything like that and the rich houses had store room lovely kitchen they had much better things then the poor houses

What is it that a rich man needs a poor man has and the dead need?

a rich man needs a rich woman and will have sex everynight a poor man needs a poor woman and will never have sex a dead person does need anything but to be buried

What Karl marx believe was created by the rich in order to keep the divide between them and the poor?

Karl Marx believed that the capitalist economic system was created by the rich to exploit the labor of the poor and maintain their power and wealth. He argued that this system perpetuated inequality and class divisions by enriching the owners of the means of production at the expense of the laborers.