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Yes there is voting in communist countries. However, the list of candidates is selected via a different system compared with the two party, or multi-party systems of the typical democratic capitalist countries. In a communist country, there is only one official (dominant) political party, and therefore the candidates are only available from that party. Also, there is no popular voting in a communist country for any government post other than in some cases for the lowest and powerless local levels. For all other levels of government, including the highest national posts, there is a system of increasingly layered and smaller centralized voting which becomes effectively controlled by the Central Committee, or Standing Committee, or Politburo at the national levels. The National Congress body is usually constitutionally the highest authority, but effective control typically resides in either the Central Committee, Standing Committee or Politburo, or in some cases historically in a single person (e.g. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim, Ho, etc.). With this form of non-popular voting for the highest echelons of government, it's easy for the system to become subject to corruption and Dictatorship, as evidenced in history.

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There are no truly communist countries.

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