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No country is able to curb the unemployment rate close to zero in the system of market-oriented economy. Take developed countries for example. With the advancement of various kinds of industries, developed countries have to send such outdated industries into developing countries, and some workers will find they aren't able to be qualified for more demanding jobs. Besides, nowadays some work can be done by robots or other kinds of instruments. While for the developing countries, poverty, lack of education and poor macro regulation will all raise the unemployment rate. To sum up, I believe that unemployment rate of a country is a dynamic equilibrium, sometimes it may go up while other times it may go down, but I believe no country's government can curb the unemployment rate close to zero.

According to Wikipedia Andorra enjoys a 0.0% unemployment rate and the highest being Zimbabwe with 95%

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 6y ago

There are two points to consider.

  1. Different countries use different measures for measuring unemployment. For example, the numerator can be the number of people of working age who are not employed, the number who are registered with employment offices or the number who are actively seeking employment. The denominator can be the number of people of working age - in itself a variable definition. So international comparisons, unless standardised, are of questionable value.
  2. There will always be frictional unemployment. These are people who are between jobs.
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