"...cracy" is NOT a prefix (at the beginning of a word), it is a SUFFIX (at the end of a word). as in democracy, theocracy, plutocracy
democracy, autocracy, aristocracy, theocracy, meritocracy, plutocracy, bureaucracy, mobocracy
a word for crac Many words for different types of governments use the suffix "-cracy". These include democracy, theocracy, autocracy, etc.
In a democracy, the peple have a say in what they want. In a autocracy, they have no voice.
A democracy is ruled by the people; an autocracy is ruled entirely by a smaller group of people.
Different forms of government around the world include democracy, monarchy, dictatorship, theocracy, and oligarchy. Each form has its own unique characteristics and structures of power and authority.
Some words that contain the root "cracy" include democracy, aristocracy, and theocracy. These words refer to different systems or forms of government based on who holds power.
Modern Israel is a democracy.
can theocracy co-exist with demorcracy
can theocracy co-exist with demorcracy
Autocracy (in principle)