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Q: Is the only election that matters to a candidate the General Election?
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What are powers of election commission?

To conduct, monitor and judge election and election related matters.

A result of winning free elections is?

One result of winning a free election is the winner becomes the leader of that country. Another result is the losing side becomes determined to defeat him or her in the next election. And a third result is the voters who participated feel either joy (their candidate won) or disappointment (their candidate lost); however they feel, they know with certainty that there will be a future election and that their vote matters.

No court has the jurisdiction to interfere with the election process once set in motion by the Election commission This is enshrined in Article?

article 329. bar to interference by courts in electoral matters.

Is Obama rigging the election?

There is no evidence to suggest that former President Obama is rigging any elections. Rigging an election is illegal and a serious allegation. It is important to rely on facts and credible sources when discussing such matters.

If a candidate does not receive a majority in the primary election then?

Some states require an actual majority of the votes to win, while others will elect based on the largest plurality. In the states that require a majority to win, the top two candidates will face a runoff election generally about a month later.

Why is it important for local officials to guard and track ballots after they are cast?

Because it doesn't matter who votes; it matters who COUNTS the votes. Ballot tampering or voter fraud (typically, the "discovery" of a ballot box full of marked but uncounted ballots) is the fastest way to destroy the people's confidence in the validity of the election process. Americans will generally accept the results of an unfavorable election, as long as the voting process is perceived to be fair. Election fraud will taint the results of an election and the possibly-fraudulently elected official, for decades into the future.

Why is an open primary election matter?

An open primary election matters because it allows voters to participate in the primary process regardless of their party affiliation. This promotes inclusivity and can result in a broader representation of voter preferences and opinions. Open primaries also offer voters more options and a greater voice in choosing their preferred candidates.

What did the Presidential Election of 1800 show?

Americans were voting for who lived in their region, rather than who shared similar moral values. Also, all four canadites were from the same republican party, contributing to the growing sectionalism. source: i am currently in 10th grade ap us history

What early human rights treaties provided for matters like election freedom the ownership of land for all intestacy for women the right to a free trial?

The Magna Carta of 1215AD

How are the members of Lok Sabha elected?

The members of the Lok Sabha are elected through General Elections, held on the basis of universal adult suffrage. Parliament, from time to time, by law makes provision with respect to all matters relating to, or in connection with, elections to the Lok Sabha, including the preparation of electoral rolls, the delimitation of constituencies and all other matters necessary for securing the due constitution of the Lok Sabha. When the seat of a member elected to the House becomes vacant or is declared vacant, or his/her election is declared void, the same is filled through bye-election.

What was the motivation behind campaign contributions?

In the United States campaign contributions are made to various candidates running for election or re election for official positions in the Federal, State and local governments. Supporters of the policies and voting records of candidates are accessed by campaign donors for the purpose of having officials who share the same goals with regards to public policies and legislation. There are at any given point in time a huge variety of public issues that need to be addressed. A donor to a campaign does not expect the candidate he or she supports to be in total agreement with each other. However there are certain issues which there is agreement. Thus the donor hopes that if his or her candidate is elected, certain matters of mutual concern will be addressed in a manner they agree upon.

What is the difference between a direct democracy and the electoral college system?

There are a number of differences, but if we assume that you are exclusively referring to the election for the US President, the difference comes down to how the votes are weighed. A direct election for US President would result in the election of that president regardless of where those votes came from. In the electoral college system, each state is considered to have its own vote for the US President. Once the US President has won a particular state, all of the state's electoral votes (based on the sum total of senators and representatives from that state) go to that Presidential candidate. It does not matter if the US President won that state by a few votes or a landslide, he gets the whole state. (Nebraska is the lone exception to this policy). The benefit of the electoral system is that it forces Presidents to take small states seriously, but the advantage of the direct election system is that every vote actually matters, not just those in swing states.