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Actually, UK conservative party is more in line with the US Democratic Party than it is with the US Republican party on most issues, including abortion, same sex marriage, national healthcare, and renewable energy. They're actually to the left of the Democrats on issues like the Death Penalty and National Healthcare. So you're answer is more yes than no.

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Q: Is the UK Conservative Party similar to the Democrats in the USA?
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Does the Republican party in the USA have similar leanings as the labor party in Australia and New Zealand?

No, quite the opposite. The Republican party in the US is the more conservative of the two US parties.

Which party in seen as more conservative in its views?

If you mean: in the USA, the answer is the Republican Party.

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the USA has a 2 party system ( Democrats and Republicans) known as a democracy

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Similar, although the GB Labour party still describes itself as 'Democratic Socialist' the Democrats in the USA have Liberals and moderate conservatives amonsgt their ranks and would never describe themselves as Socialist.

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The Democratic party controlled both houses of Congress in 1961.

What is a political conservative?

A person who is a member of the political party 'Conservative' or somebody who has stood in a local/general election for the conservative party. A person who is a member of the political party 'Conservative' or somebody who has stood in a local/general election for the conservative party. ============================== I think it is a party foul to define a word by using the word in the definition... A political conservative in the USA is first and foremost, not defined as a republican or a Christian. A conservative is someone who believes in smaller government, lower taxes, individual rights, strong national defense through a strong military and maintaining the core family values that helped establish our great country. As it pertains to the constitution, a conservative believes in what is called "original intent." A conservative does not believe we should have to translate the constitution in order to have it apply to us more effectively, in the original text, it is the most complete document ever created.

What are Republications and Democrats?

These are the two biggest political parties in the USA. Republicans in general are more conservative in their view points and have stronger foundations to the Constitution, while Democrats tend to be more liberal in their view points and although they to believe in the Constitution, they generally have a more "open" approach to ideals and change

What are the first two major political parties in modern elections?

The first two major political parties in modern elections in the United States were the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party. The Federalist Party, led by Alexander Hamilton, supported a strong central government and a looser interpretation of the Constitution. The Democratic-Republican Party, led by Thomas Jefferson, advocated for states' rights and a strict interpretation of the Constitution.

What is the most crucial difference between the democratic party and the republican party in general in the USA?

The most crucial difference between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party in the USA is their ideological stance. Democrats generally lean more towards progressive values, advocating for social equality, government intervention in the economy, and a more inclusive approach to social issues. On the other hand, Republicans tend to embrace conservative values, advocating for limited government intervention, individual freedom, and emphasizing the importance of personal responsibility and traditional values.

What does Canada's conservative party stand for?

Canadian political parties do not "Stand" for anything in particular. They do try to appeal to certain segments of voters so take certain stands on certain issues at certain times. But ruling parties are very quick to abandon even founding beliefs to gain power. The best example would be the Progressive Conservative party. One of the parties from Conservatives history. Since Confederation they stood for Canada and Conservative trade policy while the Liberals stood for Liberalised trade, particularly with the USA. But in the 1980's the PCs threw out over 100years of history and took Canada into Free Trade with the USA and globalsation with the world. Today the Conservative party, which you might think would be conservative in it's trade policy with a put Canada first platform is very pro globalization and fully willing to sell Canada to the highest bidder. At the same time it wants to appeal to the masses so needs to be seen as defending Canada. Liberals and any party thinking it can form government is the same. They may have some things they stand for but are, have to be, quick to toss them aside to gain power. What does Canada's Conservative party stand for? Power, getting it and keeping it.

What are the two major political parties in the united states today?

democratic, and republican