Yes and No, the highest law of the land is the Australian Constitution, which establishes the Australian Federation. (States and a commonwealth).
At Federation on the 1st of January, 1901
the Australian federation
Council for the Australian Federation was created in 2006.
The Australian Federation begun on the 1st of January 1901!
Australian Speleological Federation was created in 1956.
Australian Ranger Federation was created in 1996.
Australian Nursing Federation was created in 1924.
Federation refers to the joining together of the six Australian states, or colonies, in 1901, coming together under a Federal government ruling the Commonwealth of Australia, independently of "Mother England".
Australian Federation of Islamic Councils was created in 1964.
Australian Liberal Students' Federation was created in 1944.
Australian Federation of University Women was created in 1922.
It is a state within a federation. It is ruled by a governor, a state congress and a state court of law.