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Fascism is a variant of extreme corporatist nationalism headed by an authoritarian leadership and is usually classified as a far-right political theory. It originated in Italy under Mussolini and Hitler's Nazism is a variant of Fascism. Fascist movements shared certain common features, including the veneration of the state, a devotion to a strong leader, and an emphasis on ultra-nationalism and militarism. Fascism views political violence, war, and Imperialism positively and it asserts that stronger nations have the right to expand their territory by displacing weaker nations since the national race was in perpetual conflict with other nations and races. It also argues that corporations should be able to maintain independence from direct government control (in contrast to communism), but that these privately-owned and run corporations should work in tandem with government interests.

A number of conservative ideologues will argue that all totalitarian ideologies are left-wing and, therefore, fascism is left-wing, but this ignores that the left/right distinction is a distinction of governmental values, not a distinction of the strength of government.

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While it is more right in nature, it contains elements from the left. So it should be regarded as a third wing.

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