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It's tough to answer whether it's good or bad, as with all ideologies it has its bad sides and good sides (which is often neglected in this case due to it being associated with intolerance).

Fascism is supposed to be a movement that combines the best of the capitalist system and the socialist one. It is authoritarian and nationalistic in nature, however while nationalistic it isn't racist in most cases, nazism is a unique form of fascism that blends the fascist system with biological racism. This is where most people get it wrong, fascism is monocultural, not necessarily monoracial.

Fascism is good to get the economy running, much more efficient than democracies, however at the cost of personal freedom, since Fascism puts the state before the person, and only those who contribute to the state get the benefits. It recognizes the struggle between classes however unlike communism it does not try to destroy the classes, instead it seeks to find a common ground between the rich, middle and poor. It's run by a single party and it's leader who has almost absolute power, however he is limited due to the fact that he needs to rule in the interest of the entire party.

I hope this cleared it up

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Because Fascism opposes democracy and many civil rights (like freedom of speech, assembly, religion, etc), it is typically considered bad by most people. All Fascist and Fascist-like regimes have been authoritarian dictatorships that oppressed the people they ruled.

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