Oddly enough it is not. It is a forum for conservatives to spread their take on the world. It seems to be information filtered through the glasses of conservatism. Much like Fox News vs MSNBC (conservative politics vs liberal politics) it is merely a website boasting a standpoint. While I would not use their articles as unbiased report, I would use them as informative and an insight into how today's conservative culture is seeing the world around them.
**But I do know that the more liberal one is in their world view the more of a joke it will seem, and vice versa.**
Also, note that the site generally is Conservative from a religious and social standpoint, not a political one (though, the distinction can be hard to make). That is, the site concentrates on social and religious conservatism, not economic or political (theory) conservatism.
a joke a joke can be cracked a joke can be made a joke can be told a joke can be played
to joke to joke to joke
Opposite of "not a joke" would be "a joke" ....no?
Joke Teller: Knock-knock! Joke Receiver: Who's there? Joke Teller: Interrupting cow. Joke Receiver: Interrupting c-- Joke Teller: Moo!!!! :]
the answer of the joke
No, people joke to amuse others.
This is a joke on internet.The answer for this joke is boo bee.
my bedroom is a joke.
'un chiste' is a witty saying,joke 'una broma' is a jolly joke 'una chanza' is joke, jest, fun 'bromear' = to joke, make fun 'chancear(se)' = to joke, jest, fool
i got a clubpenguin joke BUT its from the clubpenguin joke book. what did the penguin sail on? the C!i got a clubpenguin joke BUT its from the clubpenguin joke book. what did the penguin sail on? the C!
a penguin joke is joke that people think penguin say! Weired
I do not know a joke about a pun backwards lion. This is a joke.