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Q: Is an example of a nation that uses a democratic republic type of government?
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What does democratic republic mean?

A nation with a constitution is a republic. A nation that elects the head of the state and representatives in the parliament to form a government is democratic. Democratic Republic is a form of government elected by the people with the constitutional head in accordance to the constitution is a Republic.

What best defines the term Republic?

A nation that uses a democratic system of government.

What nation is north of Angola?

The Democratic Republic of the Congo.

What form of Government does Barack Obama represent?

Barack Obama represents a Democratic Republic, a nation that democratically votes for a president who leads the republic.

France's type of government?

The government of the French Republic is a semi-presidential system determined by the French Constitution of the fifth Republic. The nation declares itself to be an "indivisible, secular, democratic, and social Republic.

What type of government does India's haves?

The Union Government of India is a federal parliamentary representative democratic republic.The Preamble of the Constitution of India describes the nation as a a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic.(check related links for more info.)India has a democratic government which is ruled by Indian National Congress AKA India has a democracy as its government. :)We Can also write it as a parliamentary form of govermentfor short . :)India form of government is a Federal republic Parliamentary democracy.India has a democratic government. By: Saurabh mukherjeedemocraticIt is a Federal Republic.

What was the democratic republic?

The Deutsche Democratic Republic (DDR) was communist East Germany, and a member of the Warsaw Pact aligned to the Soviet Union. Despite the name it was not a democratic nation. The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) was West Germany and was the democratic nation, a member of NATO.

What is Africa's largest nation crossed by the Equator?


Was Taiwan as a nation in 1912?

To be precise, the democratic government, as Republic of China(Taiwan) is defeated by the communist government as People's Republic Of China(China), so the democratic government escape to Taiwan, and the communist government create a new country in China -- People's Republic Of China. This word might be a little touchy, but this is the truth.

Is America pure democratic nation?

It is a representative Republic.

What is a nation in which voters elect their own representatives?

A democratic republic nation is one in which voters elect their own representatives. Some nations that are democratic republic are Nepal, Congo, and Ethiopia.

Is Philippine a republic why?

Yes, the Philippines is a republic because it is a democratic nation where the power is held by the people and their elected representatives. The country's government operates under a constitution that establishes the framework for how it is governed.