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Q: Is a type of government in which the public can have input in various areas of interest in the country?
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In what government does the public have input in various areas of interest of the country?


In this type of government the public can have input in various areas of interest of the country?


What type of government the public can have input in various areas of the country?

Pluralism Pluralism

What is a public interest?

a public interest group is an orginanization the tries to persuade public officials to respond to the shared attitudes of their members. Interest groups let the public know what the issues are and the represent people across the country not just in your city. They provide facts and information that the government may not have time to find out. it is a great way for people to become involved and they act as a watch dog for the government.

What is public-interest group?

a public interest group is an orginanization the tries to persuade public officials to respond to the shared attitudes of their members. Interest groups let the public know what the issues are and the represent people across the country not just in your city. They provide facts and information that the government may not have time to find out. it is a great way for people to become involved and they act as a watch dog for the government.

How does the government try to keep interest groups from forming bad public?

One way the government tries to keep interest groups from forming bad public policy is by not letting government workers join interest groups.

How does the government try to keep interest groups from forming bad public policy's?

One way the government tries to keep interest groups from forming bad public policy is by not letting government workers join interest groups.

Who can evaluate the government's agenda?

a public interest group

What is popular participation in government?

Popular participation in government refers to various shemes that get the public involved in their country's government. It can refer to the democratic election system or systems like the U.S. government's "We the People" petition arrangement.

Define public revenue?

Public Revenue is the income realized by the government for purposes of financing public administration. Public revenue may be realized from taxation of the various entities and activities within the country or from non-tax sources such as revenue from government-owned corporations, public wealth funds, grants etc.

In Which country was public interest litigation first introduced?


How do you file a public interest litigation?

A public litigation interest can be filed against a the government and when the public and government interact with each other any common man can do this by just posting a letter to the governments office which is further in other processes and the people can also impeach the government by following this act.