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no. a presidential veto is a power of the president, who is a part of the executive branch of the federal government. it is a delegated power.

powers of the states are referred to as reserved powers.

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Q: Is a presidential veto considered a reserved power?
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What power belongs on this list?

Overriding a presidential veto

How does Ford view the presidential veto power?

Because they can

. Which action can Congress take to check the power of a presidential veto of a bill?

override president veto

What action can congress take to check the power of a presidential veto of a boll?

veto a bill passed by congress

Which congressional chamber has the power to override a presidential veto?

both chambers

Can the president curb congressional power?

Yes, the president can veto bills. However, a presidential veto may be overridden.

How does the veto power differ between the president and vice president?

The president has 100% veto power and can shut down anything.The vice president has 3/4 veto power. A vice presidential veto can be overridden by a 75% vote of the house or senate.

What bodies have the power to override presidential veto?

The legislative branch has the power to override a presidential veto. Overriding the veto requires a two-thirds vote margin. Article 1, Section 7 of the US Constitution describes the power to veto.

What was firmly in republican hands after the election of 1866?

The power to overide any presidential veto.

Define presidential veto?

the power of an officer of the state to stop unilaterally a piece of legislation.

How many does it take to override a presidential veto?

2/3 to override a presidential veto

What is a limit of the legislative branch in a presidential government?

The President has the power to veto legislation that he doesn't agree with.