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Q: Is a nation is considered sovereign if it does not have to ask authority of any other nation before making decisions?
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What does limit of authority mean?

Limit of authority is the decisions that certain staff members can make in a business. This includes exchanges and refunds. In certain situations, a staff member must confer with a higher level of authority, before taking a decision.

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Who needs to agree before legislation can be passed?

The sovereign needs to agree before the legislation can be passed

Who made the desicions?

Decisions are typically made by individuals or groups in authority positions such as managers, leaders, or executives within an organization. The decision-making process can involve gathering information, analyzing options, and considering various factors before arriving at a conclusion. Ultimately, the responsibility for making decisions rests with those who have the authority and expertise to do so.

Can you leave home before the age of 18 in New York?

No, in New York you are not considered an adult. Until that point, your parents make the decisions.

Who was the traditional authority on human anatomy before scientific revolution?

The authority before the Sientific Revolution was Galen.

What are prerequisites for effective delegation of authority?

managers must consider the following before going for delegation of his authority to subordinates: - 1. the person to whom the authority is to be given is well aware of the task he should perform. 2. the person must be trust worthy 3. he must be having relevant experience 4. the superior should not feel the fear of competition 5. the subordinate must concern him before taking the decision to avoid errors or wrong decisions.

What is to prioritize logic over emotion?

It means that you use your thoughts (brain) to make decisions first before your heart (feelings). It is considered good to use both methods.

Why is the Peace of Westphalia considered the beginning of diplomatic history?

It isn't: diplomacy predates it by millennia. The peace is considered to have instituted an order of relations between sovereign territorial states. It didn't: Germany remained a mess of sovereignties afterward as it'd been before. But ir's a convenient myth.

When you pp a signature without authority is it illegal?

Yes, forging a signature without authority is illegal and can be considered a criminal offense. It is important to obtain proper consent before using someone else's signature for any document or agreement.

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What is minted money given out by British sovereign on the Thursday before Easter called?

Maundy Money