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Q: Is a measure of the general well-being and satisfaction derived from a variety of factors including political freedom safety education and a clean environment?
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The process by which your political attitudes are formed by your environment is called?

The process by which your political attitudes are formed by your environment is called political socialization. This includes the influences of family, education, media, peers, and other social institutions on shaping an individual's political beliefs and values.

What are current political issues in North America?

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Businesses influence the political environment abroad By getting the government involved. Government is involved in international business for many reasons, including tariffs and controlling unemployment.

What is political education?

Knowledge regarding politics is known as political education.

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Robert W.G Smith has written: 'Antonio Gramsci's proposal for the political education of the proletariat' -- subject(s): Education, Education and state, Political aspects, Political aspects of Education

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Role of executives in Indian political environment?

The roles of the executives in the Indian political environment is to enforce the existing laws. Their other roles is to come up with policies that are helpful to the Indian political environment.

What kind of education do you need to get involved in political fundraising?

to get involved in the political fundraising you need to get the complete education in the historical science