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Dictatorship is the state of a government that is often called "totalitarianism". Bascially it's the idea that a single person, or a very small ruling elite rule an entire country and place great restrictions on personal and economic freedoms.

As the word itself indicates, it is when a leader dictates what the people will and what they will not do. It is the governing power where no opposition is tolerated. Depending on how tight of a hold the government holds on the economy, it can govern where you will work, what you will grow if you are a farmer, or what you will sell as a shop owner. It can also govern what religion you may belong to and what schools your children will attend. It can even dictate how many children you may have, as the Chinese government does at present. In a dictatorship there are rarely any oppositional parties, if there are they are usually in name only. In summary, dictatorship, or totalitarianism is a single person ruling an entire country, keeping extremely close hold on both personal and economic freedom.

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Zimbabwe is a dictatorship because my social subjects teacher said that Zimbabwe is a dictatorship

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That is difficult to say as dictators come and go. The most notorious two I can think of are North Korea and Zimbabwe.