There is no such thing as 'primary elections' in the American sense of the term.
(Also when you refer to England I think you mean UK or more precisely UK and Northern Ireland.)
-As an aside it must be very confusing for Non Brits to understand all these terms :UK: England: Scotland: Wales: Northern Ireland.
Add to that Great Britain: Overseas Territories:Crown Protectorates:The fact that certain countries have the Union Jack flag included in their own National flag-Australia and New Zealand for example:
Further add to that the fact that the British Isles includes the Republic of Ireland
Truth is ,it is confusing for Brits- few understand it all-
To return to my answer:-
Processes exist within the separate political parties to elect their own leader.
The public at large are not included in this decision.
A General Election is National and the outcome of that selects which party will rule.
In the present circumstance an overall majority was not achieved by the front running party so a deal was done with one of the other parties. This outcome is called a coalition. Very typical in Continental Europe not typical in the UK
Certain months and certain days within these selected months influence the choice of Election day. The actual day is determined by the incumbent Prime Minister and picked to gain political advantage. The only rule is that no party can be in power for more than 5 years
Primary elections are held in April.
The main Presidential and Congressional elections are held in November. Primary elections and caucuses are held in prior months.
The main Presidential and Congressional elections are held in November. Primary elections and caucuses are held in prior months.
primary elections and caucuses are held
In May
The Arkansas primary will be held on May 22, 2012.
primary elections
They arer held on the first Tuesday of November.
March 24, 2012