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The first two political parties in the United States were sharply divided by the issue of a strong federal government or states rights. The Federalists wanted a strong central government. The Republicans wanted more state sovereignty.

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The first two political parties disagreed on whether the brand-new United States of America should have a Federal (powerful) or should be a Republic (less powerful but more power reserved by and for the States).

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The power of central government

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Q: In the mid-1800s what issue divided the political parties?
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Political issues are divided between two major parties.

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Political parties avoided the issue of slavery for many years after the Missouri compromise.

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Political parties avoided the issue of slavery for many years after the Missouri compromise.

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The issue of separation of powers is what divided the two parties during the debate over the constitution.

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What are the minor political parties the parties apart from the Republicans and the Democrats?

Ideological parties Single-issue parties Economic protest parties Splinter parties *The biggest three are the Constitution, Green, and Libertarian.

What is a single-issue parties?

//Previous Answer:It is a party that consists of more than one issue that they discuss in political debates.//New Answer: "A single-issue party is a political party that campaigns on only one issue."

What 20th century minor political parties is most likely to be a single issue political party?

the marijuana party for e2020 <O_o>