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primary election

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Q: In the method of nominating candidates delegates are chosen by the counties to meet and decide the party's candidates to be put on the ballot what is the method called?
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Related questions

On What ballot only the names of the candidates for the highest office appears on the ballot?

The ballot with only the names of the candidates for the highest office appears is called The Short Ballot.

What names candidates for office?

ballot or sample ballot

What ballot only the names of the candidates for the highest office appears on the ballot.?

The Short ballot

What ballot only the names of the candidates for the highest office appears on the ballot?

The Short ballot

What is the only the names of the candidates for the highest office appears on the ballot?

Short Ballot

Describe the basic difference between the office group ballot and the party column ballot?

Party-Column Ballot lists all candidates under the name of that party. Office-Block Ballot lists candidates under the office.

How do the two main political parties choose its final candidates for president and vice president A By congressional caucus B At a national nominating convention C By direct Primary?

C and B are both correct, I think. National primaries award votes to candidates at the conventions, but not all states have them and there are other delegates that are not bound by primaries. In recent years, one candidate has won so many votes in primaries that the nomination is either locked up or almost locked up, but it is possible that no candidate would have a clear edge when the convention begins. Primaries only bind delegates for the first ballot.

What is a ballot that lists candidates according to the office they are seeking?

It is called an office block ballot.

What is a list of candidates running for an election?

A Ballot.

On which ballot are candidates listed together under the title of the position they seek?

Office-group ballot

What type of election ballot lists the candidates according to the office they are seeking?

an office block ballot

How are independent candidates placed on the general ballot an election?

minor parties are placed on ballot by petition