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Gracie Considine

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2y ago
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10mo ago

In a Dictatorship, power is concentrated in the hands of one person or a small group, who have absolute control over decision-making and governance. The leader(s) typically hold onto power through force, suppression of dissent, and lack of political freedoms. This type of government lacks checks and balances, and citizens have limited or no say in the decision-making process.

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Q: In the dictatorship one person or group makes the decision on how the people will be governed?
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In a dictatorship one person or group makes the decision on how the people will be governed?


How In a dictatorship one person or group makes the decision on how the people will be governed.?


In a dictatorship it may be just one person or group making the decision on how the people will be governed?


What do you call the government that one person has all the power?

A government controlled by a single individual is called a dictatorship. The leader makes all the decision for the country.

What is the diffrence between democracy and dictatorship?

In a democracy the majority rules and decides the way the country will be governed and which laws will be enacted. In a dictatorship, Usually one person or family rules controlling the people with military and police force. The dictator decides everything for everyone and, as is being played out today in Syria, a dictator may kill people he can't control.

Type of government in which power rests with a single person?

"Autocracy" is a country or state governed by a single person with unlimited power. This is synonymous with despot, tyrant, and dictator.

How is a government who has a democracy different than a dictatorship?

The people in a democracy get a say in what happens in the county but in a dictatorship the people are ruled by one person who doesn't let the people have a say in what the people want.

What Government is controlled by one person but not held responsible to the will of the people?


Who holds the supreme authority in a dictatorship?

a single person or a small group of people

What is the difference between democracy and dictatorship?

In a democracy, the people have control of the government; in a Dictatorship, one person has control of the government.A democracy is when the people rule the government and a dictatorship is when one or a small group of people rule the gobernment such as a military leader

Who has power in the dictatorship?

a Dictatorship is run by one person,

Dictatorship and a totalitarian dictatorship?

A dictatorship Is a system where one person rules an area or country. A totalitarian dictatorship is when that one person interferes with every aspect of your life. In a way, a dictatorship can still be considered free