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Q: In feudal Japan laws were made by generals known as?
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In feudal Japan laws were enforced by warrior nobles known as?


Who made the laws on a feudal manor?

The Lord of the Manor or the King.

What did the ten generals of the Athenian assembly do?

0Carried out laws

What are facts on the feudal system?

the feudal system was sustained by the rights and privileges given to the upper classes and in most cases enacted by laws


The setting of "The Story of the Aged Mother" by Matsuo Basho is feudal Japan, in an unspecified mountainous region. The story takes place during a time of oppressive laws that require the elderly to be abandoned.

What are the difference of feudal japan and Europe?

The differences in feudal Japan to feudal Europe are very noticeable.1. Culture & BeliefsFeudal JapanIn feudal times Japan's major religion was Buddhism and Confucianism, they believed in honour and loyalty. This can be seen in the samurai, the knights of Japan in the feudal ages. Samurai were willing to die for their nation and commit seppuku (ritual suicide) to keep their honour rather than be killed or captured by their enemy.Feudal EuropeThe religion in Feudal Europe was Christianity. In feudal times Europe was very superstitious and the land was governed by the church. The church's laws were mainly based on their views of The Bible. People who showed any signs of witchcraft were sent to be executed. Things like black cats were seen as bad luck. All these things were around during feudal times in Europe.2. WarfareFeudal JapanFeudal Japan's warfare was different to Europe's because it was greatly influenced by their beliefs. As mentioned before Samurai's would commit seppuku (ritual suicide) to keep their honour. Their swords such as the katanas were different to the knight's sword. A samurai's armour would also be different; samurai would wear masks in an attempt to scare their foe. They would have less metl covering them than a knight would as well. Feudal Japan also had castles, at the beginning though they were made of wood and later became stone because of fire.Feudal EuropeIn Feudal times Europe had knights in shining armour. These knights would not suicide in the face of defeat but they would pray at least three times a day to God. They were meant to be good Christians and helpers to the needy. Unlike the Samurai they wore a lot of armour, the feudal 'tank'. A normal foot soldier stood no chance to a knight. Feudal Europe also had castles similar to Japan's.But both feudal Japan & Europe shared similarities as well. Their hierarchy was quite similar, both divided into two groups: Nobles & Peasants.

Why did the peasants burn the feudal documents French revolution?

They were burning the ideas that kept them slaves. The rules and the laws.

What are the two most known laws of the Magna Carta?

The clauses regarding raising taxes and military service as stated by Feudal Law were the main concern of those creating the Magna Carta. It stated that no one was above the law.

Who makes japan's laws?


What were the main cultural differences between feudal Europe and feudal Japan?

European feudalism was based instead on Roman Imperial laws and customs, supplemented with Germanic traditions, and supported by the authority of the Catholic Church. Japanese feudalism was based on the ideas of the Chinese philosopher Kong Qiu or Confucius (551-479 BCE). Confucius stressed morality and filial piety, or respect for elders and other superiors.

Why did Napoleon believe to reform tax code in France?

The left over feudal laws that remained on the books in some parts of France and the Draconian Laws issued by the French Republic.

Who holds the power to make laws in japan?

Japanese laws are made in the National Diet Building, located in Nagatachō, Chiyoda, Tokyo.