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is elected directly by the people.

nope ! elected by representatives pledged to a candidate for President of U.S. in the Electoral College

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Q: In a presidential system the leader?
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Who votes for the leader in the presidential system?


What happens in a presidential system?

Members of Congress elect the leader.

In a presidential system who elects a leader?

the people if its a democratic country

Who is is the leader in a presidential democracy?

A presidential system is a system of governmentwhere a head of government is also head of state and leads an executive branch that is separate from the legislative branch. The United States, for instance, has a presidential system

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A person become a president after presidential elections.

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A quasi-presidential system is a political system where the roles of the president and prime minister are combined or blurred. This can create a power-sharing arrangement or division of responsibilities between the two offices. It is a hybrid model that includes elements of both presidential and parliamentary systems.

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The widely used definition of Presidential Democracy is "A system of government where the executive branch exists separately from a legislature" whereas, Parliamentary Democracy is defined as "A party with greatest representation in the parliament and its leader becoming the prime minister or chancellor".

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Front runner