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Q: In a paragraph define the term policy and give an example from the local state or national level of government?
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The sentence in a paragraph that summarizes what that paragraph is about

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the total amount of money that a country's central government has borrowed and is not still paid.

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National territory is territory that a nation controls. For example, the U.S Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico are both national territories of the United States.

What is a classification paragraph?

A classification paragraph is one that focuses on 1 specific idea or event. It will not deviate from that event or idea at all.

Define national development?

National development would be the expansion and growth of people in a defined territory or government. Maninder singh

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transition is a transformation of a mater. for example in politics transition is change from one government to the next.

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communism is a form of government where the principal means of production are Owen by the government

What is an example of cultural nationalism?

The national anthem and the coat of arms are examples of the cultural nationalism. They basically define the cultures and ideals shared by a country. Other include the national flags and colors.

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Language spoken, cultural practices, historical background, and political boundaries are examples of human criteria that can be used to define a region.

The federal system?

Federalism means the division of power between the national government and the states. The Constitution does not clearly define, however, the areas in which these powers are exercised. Keeping in mind that the framers were determined to strengthen the national government, it is not surprising that the powers belonging to the states were left vague.