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Q: If identified goods are destroyed through no fault of either party and risk has not passed to the buyer the parties are excused from performance.?
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Can a plaintiff sue 2 parties for 1 destroyed item?

For the same cause of action a single suit will lie and the two parties sued against shall be called defendants.

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Holding party members responsible for their performance in office.

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What are common and equitable remedy for breach of the contract?

There are several: 1. Recission, where the contract is cancelled, both parties excused, and any advance payments are returned, 2. Reformation, where the contract is altered to reflect what was actually intended, 3. Specific performance, where the court orders that the exact terms of the contract are executed, 4. Compensatory damages, to cover losses incurred as a result of non-performance, 5, Consequential and incidental damages, to cover "forseeable losses" as a result of the breach 6. Punative damages, to punish a person for willfull breach 7. Liquidated damages, those specified in the contract if the terms are not met.

What does supervening impossibility of performance mean?

When a perfomance takes place after the conclusion of the contract and occurs as a result of circumstances beyong the control of the parties.

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The 2013 Tony for Best Featured Actress in a Play went to Judith Light. She received the award for her performance in The Assembled Parties.