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Q: IF a nuclear power plant explodes and wipes out every living thing what kind of organism would be the first to colonize the radioactive area?
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What is a radioactive nuclear fuel?

All nuclear fuels contain radioactive elements.

What are the chemical reactions that happen when a nuclear plant explodes?

When a nuclear plant explodes, the main chemical reactions involve the release of high levels of radioactive material into the environment. This can include the fission of uranium or plutonium atoms, resulting in the production of various radioactive isotopes. The explosion can also generate heat that may lead to chemical reactions between the nuclear fuel and surrounding materials, potentially causing further releases of radioactive substances.

What are the dangers if a nuclear reactor explodes?

The main one is disbursal of its radioactive contents into the environment. The fallout from this has the potential to be much worse than the fallout from nuclear weapons, as the amount of material inside the reactor that can be disbursed is far larger than the fallout that can be generated by any nuclear weapon ever deployed.

What is left of an exploding nuclear bombs?

After a nuclear bomb explodes, the area is left with devastation including destruction of buildings, radioactive fallout, fires, and severe injuries and fatalities. The long-term effects can include radiation poisoning, cancer, and environmental contamination.

What happens when a nuclear bomb is set off?

It explodes.

Does nuclear radiation go away?

No, it doesn't.Wrong, it does. There are 2 types of nuclear radiation: prompt & decay.Prompt nuclear radiation occurs for a period of time while the reaction that generates it is happening. Examples are the flash of neutrons, light, x-rays, etc. when a nuclear bomb explodes as well as the sustained neutron flux as a nuclear reactor is in operation. When the reaction stops, prompt nuclear radiation goes away.Decay nuclear radiation occurs as radioactive isotopes decay to different isotopes. As the decay happens (which is a probabilistic process) the radioactive isotope is consumed. This follows an exponential function with one half of the current amount of the radioactive isotope consumed in each period of time called a halflife. While there will always be a tiny residue of the original radioactive isotope, for practical purposes it is considered to be negligible after 5 halflives have passed. When 5 halflives of the radioactive isotope decaying have passed, decay nuclear radiation is considered to have gone away for practical purposes.

Are the products of nuclear fussion radioactive?

no, but the products of fission are radioactive

Are there any non examples of radioactive decay?

Nuclear fusion and nuclear fission are processes that involve nuclear reactions but are not examples of radioactive decay. Chemical reactions, such as burning wood, do not involve nuclear processes and are also not examples of radioactive decay.

What is radioactive fuel?


What kind of nuclear waste are produced by nuclear energy?

Radioactive waves

Does fusion produce radioactive waste?

No. The products of nuclear fusion are not radioactive.

What is defreent between radioactve and nuclear material?

Radioactive material refers to substances that emit radiation spontaneously, while nuclear material is any material that can undergo nuclear reactions such as fission or fusion. Essentially, all radioactive material is nuclear material, but not all nuclear material is necessarily radioactive.