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I would have to say that the United States senate would be explained by a professional. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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Q: How would you explain the US Senate?
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Do you mean the US senate, the Canadian Senate, or the Roman senate.

How is the President of the US Senate chosen?

Senate PresidentThe President of the US Senate is the Vice President of the US. you got to write names on it

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There are no judges in the US Senate, there are Senators.

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what is the main function of the US senate?

Which office in the senate is most similar in power to that of the speaker of the house?

That would be the President of the Senate, an office normally held by the vice-president of the US.

How long is the US Senate elected for?

The US senate is elected for 6 years

Why keep the filibutser rule in the US Senate?

The decision to keep the filibuster rule in the US Senate was made to keep a balance. This allows for minority members to stop votes which they would otherwise be unable to do.

How many Attorneys in US Senate?

The correct answer is sixty. One would be too many.

What is the title of the person in carge of the senate?

i would have to say that the answer to your question my good sir is yes

Who takes over the vice president of the US when he is not present in the senate?

The senior member of the majority party of the Senate, who would then be the President Pro Tem of the Senate (or President pro tempore for the full name)